Companies That Assist in Establishing Business Credit

Companies That Assist in Establishing Business Credit

Feb 20, 2024

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Ultimate Guide: Companies That Assist in Establishing Business Credit

A group of entrepreneurs discussing financial strategies in a modern office.

Navigating the business world can be daunting, especially when it comes to establishing a robust financial foundation. Establishing good business credit is a hurdle many entrepreneurs face, as it's critical for securing better loan terms, reducing insurance premiums, and gaining the trust of suppliers and potential partners.

strong business credit profile signals to lenders that your company is credible and financially responsible.

One compelling fact about building business credit is that it goes beyond just managing debts—it encompasses your entire payment history and can significantly impact how much credit vendors will extend to your company in the future.

Many businesses struggle with where to start or which companies to trust in this process.

This guide presents a clear path forward by introducing you to reputable companies dedicated to helping businesses like yours develop their credit history effectively. From setting up Net 30 accounts with key vendors who report payments directly to credit bureaus, to understanding how these agencies assess your creditworthiness—our insights are here for you.

Let's begin shaping the financial cornerstone of your enterprise today!


Table of Contents

  1. Understanding the Importance of Business Credit
  2. The Role of Net 30 Accounts in Building Business Credit
  3. Key Businesses That Help Build Business Credit
  4. Business Credit Reporting Agencies
  5. Net 30 Vendors That Report to Credit Bureaus
  6. Conclusion
  7. FAQs

Key Takeaways

  • Companies like Uline and Quill offer Net 30 accounts which let businesses buy now and pay later, helping build credit as they report on-time payments to credit bureaus.
  • Paying bills on time with these vendors is crucial as it can lead to higher credit limits and better terms for loans or insurance premiums in the future.
  • Business Credit Reporting Agencies such as Dun & Bradstreet, Equifax, and Experian play a key role by collecting data that affects your company’s ability to secure funding.
  • Not all vendors offer Net 30 accounts to sole proprietors; incorporating may be required to access these services fully.
  • Building strong business credit is essential for managing cash flow effectively, securing favorable loan conditions, and expanding opportunities for growth.


Understanding the Importance of Business Credit

A business credit card with financial documents in an office environment.

Having established what business credit is, let's delve into its significance. Strong business credit opens doors for a company. It helps in getting bank loans and crucial trade credit without interest from suppliers.

A good score can mean better terms on both loan rates and insurance premiums. This advantage creates an environment where cash flow is more manageable, and companies are less strained financially.

Building a solid business credit profile demands attention to detail in financial dealings - payments must be timely, and debt levels should be kept reasonable. As businesses meet these obligations consistently, they earn trust among lenders and vendors alike.

This trust translates not only to more favorable lending conditions but also opportunities for growth through secured SBA loans or expanded lines of credit that fuel innovation and development within the company.

The Role of Net 30 Accounts in Building Business Credit

Net 30 accounts are pivotal for companies aiming to enhance their business credit standing. These accounts allow businesses to purchase goods or services with the understanding that payment is due within 30 days, fostering both financial flexibility and creditworthiness.

What is a Net 30 Account?

Net 30 account lets a business buy now and pay the full bill 30 days later. This type of credit agreement is common between businesses. It helps companies manage cash flow better by buying supplies and paying for services while waiting to collect their own receivables.

With a Net 30 account, a company can build its Business credit score. Just like personal credit, this score reflects how well the business manages debt. Paying on time boosts your score; late payments hurt it.

Many suppliers report payment history to credit bureaus every month. If you keep up with your bills, your credit line may grow.

Benefits of Net 30 Accounts for Businesses

Net 30 accounts are not just a payment option; they're a stepping stone to better business credit. Here's how having Net 30 accounts can be advantageous for companies:


    • They help build your company's credit profile. Each time you pay on time, it shows future lenders that your business is trustworthy.
    • On - time payments can lead to higher credit limits. Paying your bills before they're due boosts your chances of getting more credit in the future.
    • Net 30 terms give you more flexibility. You get to use products or services now and pay up to 30 days later, helping with cash flow management.
    • These accounts might offer early payment discounts. Some suppliers will give you a price cut if you pay your bill early.
    • They separate personal and business expenses. This helps keep track of your business finances better and protects your personal credit score.
    • Credit bureaus take notice of responsible usage. Vendors report your payment history to major bureaus like Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) and Experian.
    • With a good payment record, securing business loans could get easier. Banks see a strong credit report as a sign of less risk.
    • Suppliers often trust businesses with established credit more. This trust may result in more favorable payment terms down the line.

How to Set Up a Net 30 Account

A business owner reviewing financial documents with a supplier in an office environment.

Establishing a Net 30 account can be a strategic move for businesses looking to improve cash flow and build credit history. It involves a straightforward application process where companies must provide details such as contact information, business financials, and trade references to potential suppliers or creditors.

Setting Up a Net 30 Account as a Customer

Setting up a Net 30 account as a customer helps you build business credit. Here's how to do it in easy steps.


  • Find vendors that offer Net 30 terms. Make sure they report to the business credit bureaus.
  • Apply for an account with these vendors. You may need your business information, like your Tax ID (EIN) and D-U-N-S number.
  • Check if the vendor requires your business to be at least 30 days old before applying.
  • Look into any required fees. Some vendors ask for annual fees or processing charges.
  • Place your first order. Keep in mind there might be a minimum purchase amount.
  • Use the account to buy what you need for your business, like office supplies or equipment.
  • Get approved by the vendor. They will check if you are a good fit for their Net 30 program.
  • Wait for your items to arrive and check them carefully once they do.
  • Pay your invoice on time every month. This is key to building a good payment history.
  • Watch your credit limits grow as you make timely payments with various vendors.

Setting Up a Net 30 Account as a Supplier

Suppliers can offer Net 30 account terms to customers. This helps suppliers build strong business relationships and improve their cash flow. Here's how to set up a Net 30 account as a supplier:


  1. Determine your eligibility criteria for customers. Decide which businesses can apply for Net 30 terms based on their credit history or financial information.
  2. Create an application process for the Net 30 account. This should include gathering essential business details, such as the employer identification number (EIN) and trade credit references.
  3. Assess the customer's creditworthiness. Perform credit checks and analyze financial documents to ensure they can fulfill payments.
  4. Outline your Net 30 terms clearly in contracts or agreements. Specify that invoices are due within 30 days from the invoice date.
  5. Establish late payment policies. Define penalties or interest rates for overdue balances to encourage timely payments.
  6. Report customers' payment histories to credit reporting agencies like D&B, Experian, or Equifax whenever possible, helping both parties build credit.
  7. Send invoices promptly after delivering goods or services to ensure clear communication of payment expectations.
  8. Provide multiple payment methods including bank account transfers, credit cards, and online systems like Tipalti for convenience.
  9. Monitor accounts receivable regularly to keep track of the financial health of your business and follow up on any late payments swiftly.
  10. Consider offering early payment discounts as an incentive for faster payments which also aids in maintaining positive cash flow.
  11. Educate your customers about the benefits of using a Net 30 account such as building their business credit and accessing flexible payment options.


Key Businesses That Help Build Business Credit

A group of professionals reviewing financial reports in a bustling office.

Within the landscape of corporate credit development, certain companies have established a reputation for effectively aiding firms in enhancing their business credit profiles. These entities offer diverse services that range from providing tradelines to reporting payment histories to major credit bureaus, thereby serving as integral resources for businesses aiming to secure better financing terms and creditworthiness.


Uline helps new businesses grow by offering net 30 accounts. This type of account lets companies buy now and pay later, within 30 days. When a business buys supplies from Uline on credit, it can improve its credit score.

Uline sends reports to major credit agencies like Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax. These reports show how well a business handles its debts.

Using Uline's net 30 accounts also makes financial tasks easier for companies. They get time to sell their products before paying for the supplies they bought. This helps with cash flow and can make a business look more reliable to lenders.

Uline plays a key role in building company credit profiles by providing these important tools for business growth.


Quill boosts small businesses by offering net-30 accounts, which are crucial for credit building. They approve a tradeline amount between $800 and $5000. By paying on time, companies show they're reliable.

This makes it easier to get loans or lines of credit later.

Quill also reports payments to different business credit bureaus like Equifax and Experian. Keeping up with their invoices can help firms improve their scores quickly. Next, learn about Grainger's role in credit building.


Grainger helps businesses build credit by reporting to Dun & Bradstreet (D&B). When you buy supplies from Grainger on a net 30 account, they let D&B know how well you stick to your payment agreement.

This builds your business's credit profile. Make sure you pay on time because it can affect your PAYDEX score.

You can get many different items from Grainger that your company might need. From safety equipment to office furniture, buying these things on credit will help show other lenders that your business is trustworthy.

Choose what fits best for your company and start building a stronger financial foundation with every purchase.

Summa Office Supplies

Summa Office Supplies is a key vendor for businesses aiming to build their credit. They offer two types of net 30 accounts tailored to customer needs. The tier 1 option caters especially to newer customers without requiring personal guarantees.

This makes it easier for new businesses to get started with building credit.

They make sure you can establish strong business credit by reporting to Equifax Business and Experian Business. You'll need to fill out a net 30 application online and sign up on their website.

Remember, there's a $75 minimum purchase required, and they might ask for trade credit references during the application process. Credit reporting usually happens every two months, so you have consistent updates to your business profile.

Ohana Office Products

Ohana Office Products helps new companies get their feet wet with business credit. They offer Net 30 accounts, giving businesses a full month to cover their purchases. This flexibility can be a game-changer for managing cash flow when starting out.

Ohana is not alone; they work closely with Quill, Grainger, and Uline—big names that trust and report to major credit agencies.

Building good credit is key, and Ohana makes it easier for small businesses to achieve this goal. They report to Dun & Bradstreet and other bureaus like Equifax. This means when you buy office supplies or services from Ohana on Net 30 terms, these transactions help create a positive business credit history.

For any company looking to strengthen its financial reputation, partnering with Ohana could be a smart move.

Business T-Shirt Club

Business T-Shirt Club steps in for companies needing custom apparel. They offer net 30 accounts which focus on the business's financial health, not just credit scores. This makes it easier for a variety of businesses to get branded clothing without immediate payment.

Working with Business T-Shirt Club can boost a company's credit history.

Their partnership with other major businesses gives different size companies many choices. Using Business T-Shirt Club as a resource helps firms grow their corporate credit profiles.

Their services are especially valuable for those aiming to strengthen their presence in the market through tailored branding strategies.

Home Depot Commercial Credit Cards

Just as personalized business apparel from the Business T-Shirt Club can enhance a brand's image, Home Depot Commercial Credit Cards pave the way for financial credibility. These cards offer a range of perks that support firms in managing their spending efficiently while building a strong credit profile.

With these credit options, companies enjoy greater buying power and improved cash flow management at The Home Depot stores.

Home Depot provides two commercial card types: one for revolving purchases and another with terms to pay by invoice. Both allow businesses to track expenses closely through itemized billing statements.

This transparency helps maintain a tight control over material costs which is vital for project-based budgeting. By using the cards wisely, firms demonstrate reliability to credit bureaus and potential investors—a crucial step in securing future financing or partnerships.

Business Credit Reporting Agencies

In the realm of business credit, understanding the role and functions of various Business Credit Reporting Agencies is pivotal. These entities collect financial data that shapes your company’s credit profile, impacting your ability to secure funding and negotiate terms with suppliers.

Dun & Bradstreet (D&B)

Dun & Bradstreet, often called D&B, is a leader in helping companies build their business credit profiles. They offer the PAYDEX Score to measure how timely a business pays its debts.

A good PAYDEX score can mean better credit terms from lenders and suppliers. To improve your score, pay bills on time and make sure those payments get reported to D&B.

D&B also provides the Maximum Credit Recommendation which suggests a credit limit for businesses. The Delinquency Predictor Score (DPS) shows the chance of late or missed payments.

Their Failure Score predicts if a company might face financial trouble like bankruptcy within a year. These tools are key for managing your company’s credit risk.

Up next: Equifax Business Credit Reporting offers additional insight into building solid business credit standings.

Equifax Business Credit Reporting

Equifax is a major credit reporting agency that keeps track of business credit. It collects data on your business dealings, loans, and payment habits. This information turns into a credit report that banks and other lenders use to judge if they should give you a loan or line of credit.

A strong Equifax business credit report can help your company get better terms and lower interest rates.

Companies like Credit Strong Business send updates to Equifax about how businesses handle money. If you pay your bills on time with these companies, it helps build up your Equifax credit history.

Make sure all payments are prompt because late ones can hurt your score with Equifax and make borrowing harder for your business in the future.

Experian Business Credit Reporting

After exploring Equifax's offerings, let’s turn to Experian Business Credit Reporting. Experian is a key player in the business credit bureau market. They offer detailed credit profiles that help companies understand their own credit standing or check another company’s creditworthiness.

Their reports cover various aspects such as company background, public records, and payment performance.

Businesses use Experian to monitor their credit and manage risk when dealing with new clients or vendors. A strong profile with Experian can open doors for better loan terms and supplier agreements.

Plus, Credit Strong Business directly reports to Experian, ensuring your good financial behavior boosts your company's credit rating.

Creditsafe Business Credit Reporting

Creditsafe Business Credit Reporting tracks how businesses handle their finances. It gathers data from various sources like Equifax Business and Experian. Creditsafe offers reports that include a score from 0 to 100.

This score helps predict if a business might default or go bankrupt in the next year.

Companies use Creditsafe to check on potential partners' financial health. A high score can mean better loan terms or more trust from suppliers. Businesses work hard to keep their scores up, paying bills on time and managing debt wisely.

Using Creditsafe, companies can also watch their own credit standing and improve it if needed.

Net 30 Vendors That Report to Credit Bureaus

Understanding which net 30 vendors report to credit bureaus can be a pivotal step for businesses aiming to build and maintain a strong credit profile; explore the landscape of these influential vendors to inform your company's credit strategy.

Vendors That Report to D&B

Quill, Grainger, and Uline are three big names that help businesses shine in Dun & Bradstreet's eyes. They send your payment details to D&B, which can make your credit score climb.

This is a huge deal when you want banks or other companies to trust your business with loans or deals.

Pick Uline for packing supplies or office gear and they won't just report to D&B. They also tell Experian and Equifax how timely you pay. This means buying stuff like boxes or tape can build up your credit in different places all at once.

It helps show the world that your company pays bills on time and deserves good credit opportunities.

Vendors That Report to Experian

Uline helps businesses build their credit by offering net-30 trade accounts and informing Experian of their payment histories. This means when a company pays its invoices on time with Uline, Experian gets the details.

It can improve your business's credit profile, making it easier to get loans and better terms in the future.

Crown Office Supplies also reports trade credit accounts to Experian. If you buy office supplies from them and pay within 30 days, your good payment behavior is shared with Experian as well.

This transparency is great for companies working hard to enhance their creditworthiness.

Vendors That Report to Equifax

Credit Strong Business and eCredable are among the vendors that report to Equifax. This helps businesses build their credit history. Uline offers a net-30 account option, making it easier for firms to manage cash flow while still growing credit scores with timely payments.

Crown Office Supplies also provides net-30 accounts and reports trade credit activities directly to Equifax.

Big-box retailers like Home Depot, Staples, and Target provide similar business credit services once a company has a good credit track record. These accounts give companies the chance to prove they are reliable borrowers by purchasing supplies on terms and paying bills on time.

Reporting these transactions can boost a business's profile with Equifax Business Credit Bureau, opening up more opportunities for growth and financial stability.


Building business credit is vital. It opens doors to better financing options. Companies like Uline and Quill make this easier. They report your on-time payments which boosts credit scores.

Are you paying your bills promptly? This simple step can strengthen your credit quickly.

Remember, a strong business credit profile helps secure loans and lower interest rates. Start building yours today with the companies mentioned in our guide!


1. What services do companies offer to help build business credit?

Companies provide business credit building services that include company credit enhancement, commercial credit advisors, and corporate credit building solutions.

2. Can these companies help improve my firm's credit profile?

Yes, firm credit improvement services work with enterprises to enhance their company's credit profiles through strategic consulting and management of financial documents such as balance sheets and accounts payable.

3. Why is it important for a small business to focus on developing its credit?

Developing business credit is crucial for small businesses because it influences loan eligibility, better interest rates on borrowing, and reduced default risks which all help in maintaining liquidity.

4. Will hiring a business credit consultant affect how I manage my daily transactions like utility bills or fuel purchases?

Hiring a consultant should not impact your everyday transactions; however, they can advise on better practices such as using fleet cards for fuel purchases at gas stations to enhance your company’s financial health.

5. Do these companies assist with accessing reports from agencies like Credit Safe?

Businesses offering corporate credit building assistance often guide firms in understanding and obtaining reports from established agencies like Credit Safe which track corporate financial history.

6. Are there cloud-based tools or resources that consultants might recommend for managing ecommerce operations more effectively?

Consultants might suggest subscribing to cloud-based ecommerce tools that can streamline processes from inventory management to invoicing, which are essential components in establishing robust commercial credibility.

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