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Draft Pitch Deck

by Amanda Bailey Jun 09, 2023

A pitch deck serves as a visual representation of your business idea or project, outlining the most critical aspects concisely and compellingly. In this article, we will explore how to draft an unforgettable pitch deck that captivates and engages your audience, providing you with the best chance of success.

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Startup  Funding

by Amanda Bailey May 30, 2023

Whether you're looking to start a new business or expand an existing one, funding is essential. In this beginner's guide, we'll take a closer look at start-up funding for small businesses in the USA and explore the different options available.

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Startup Funding Options

by Amanda Bailey May 02, 2023

Explore diverse financing options beyond traditional bank loans for an exciting journey launching and growing your business

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Notes of items needed to get a start up business loan

by Kiara Swiatek Jan 06, 2022

A narrative told time and time again among millennials and then younger gen Z circles - "I have a really great idea for a business, but I am worried about making my student loan payments."

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